
Fees and funding


At Shottendane, we believe that everyone has the right to the same high standard of care, irrespective of how their care is funded. However, paying for care can be an emotive subject. and there are different funding sources available depending on the individual circumstances of each resident. This guide is designed to help you to more easily understand what options are available to you, and we shall be happy to assist if you need further clarification.


we have 3 types of placement:

  1. Self -funding
  2. Continuiung care or 'fast track' continuing care
  3. local authority KCC
  • Some residents, irrespective of their financial circumstances, may qualify for NHS Continuing Health Care funding, whereby the NHS or Kent adult social services (KASS) pays the full cost of their care. 
  • Residents who have savings or assets (including the value of any property) generally have to bear the cost of most of their care (and are therefore referred to as being 'Self funding'). However, residents who require nursing care do receive a contribution towards the nursing element of their care (generally named 'Funded Nursing Care' or FNC). This amount is paid directly to Shottendane by the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and is therefore deducted from the total fee payable by the resident.

a full breakdown of our fees is available on rquest.

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